Luxe Aesthetic Surgery & Medical Spa

1280 S. Victoria Ave., Suite 110 Ventura, CA 93003

About Luxe Aesthetic Surgery & Medical Spa

    Despite all the persistence and hard work, the ultimate goal of having a smoothly contoured body can be difficult to achieve. That is why people have been choosing liposuction in Oak Park as an easier and convenient method of weight loss, which assures guaranteed results for the monetary and emotional investment.

    But despite being one of the most commonly performed cosmetic surgeries in Oak Park as well as around the country, there are many myths and misconceptions surrounding the procedure and its imminent results. Surgeons have to constantly burst the bubbles and break the notions about liposuction surgery in Oak Park, and help the clients set realistic expectations about the method and its consequences.

    Luxe Aesthetic Surgery & Medical Spa

    Our Address

    1280 S. Victoria Ave., Suite 110 Ventura, CA 93003